Eve McCallum ( Middlemore, 2016-17) - OC of the Month November 2022
Thursday, 22 December 2022
Our November OC of the Month is Eve McCallum (Middlemore,2016-17), a 22-year-old 5th year Law and BA (Communications and Politics) student at the University of Otago. Eve was awarded a scholarship to attend King’s College in Auckland for her final two years of High School. She was a Youth Member of Parliament in 2016 and is a director of Future Farmers NZ. After having been around politics for most of her life and having been a member of the Young Nats since she was 13 years old, it is perhaps not surprising that her passion for politics would lead Eve to do something dynamic in this field. In the past year Eve, and her friend Finn Ross (Greenbank, 2013 -16), set out to create a political podcast interview series. The series called Both Sides Now has received attention from across the globe and is definitely one to watch. You can check out Both Sides Now on Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. In Eve’s ‘OC of the Month’ interview we hear about her best memories of her time at King’s College, early aspirations for a career in politics and what she is doing now with her studies and work.
Prime Minister's Chief of Staff has always been my dream job after spending a day doing work experience in the Prime Minister’s office when I was 14. When I was at King’s I only intended to study a BA in PPE. However, once I got to University, I found only having 1 or 2 classes a day boring so picked up Law and have loved studying it!
This is one of many great memories from King’s, but I felt that it was applicable to what I have been up to recently. The day after Winston Peter’s announced that he was going to form a government with Labour we had boarders Chapel and it just so happened that it was Middlemore’s turn to read the prayer. I volunteered to be the one who read the prayer that day, as those who were there will remember, I read the full prayer that had been written for me and then at the end added a line on which said, “and we pray especially for the country over the next few years after the government that has just been chosen.” It took 2 or 3 lines into the Lord’s Prayer for people to realise what had been said, but it got a few laughs once was realised.
Clare Stewart – our Middlemore house manager. Being an out-of-town border and doing rowing I spent a fair amount of time in the boarding house, so we became quite close. Clare was always there for a great yarn and would always help when I needed it (including buying me chocolate lol). I still catch up with her when I go out to King’s to visit my cousin who is currently in year 10!
Say yes. When you are young there are so many opportunities out there that are open for you to take. Don’t be afraid to take them because of what someone else might think or because you think you might not be good at it. Some of the coolest experiences I have had in my life have come from some of the most unexpected places.
I have just finished 5 years at Otago University studying Law and a BA (Communications and Politics). As I only had 7 papers to complete this year (and one was a communications internship with the Highlanders) I decided to fill that time in by creating the podcast Both Sides Now. This project has been an absolute privilege to work on as Finn and I have met many influential politicians and got to spend time with them (in some cases we have even been to their houses!)
I am heading to work for Wilson Harle next year. They are a law firm in Auckland specialising in Civil Litigation (this is court work to do with things such as contract disputes, commercial matters etc).
As a junior lawyer, most of it is going to be challenging, so I am getting ready for the steep learning curve I will be on!
Finishing my two degrees at Otago University (assuming I pass my last few exams - haha) and getting a job in the legal industry. It is super competitive to get a job in law so to have been able to get an internship last summer and then be offered a graduate role from that is something I am very proud of.
A holiday! Whilst people joke about students always being on holiday it has been a crazy year (especially living in a flat with 13 of us) so a trip away somewhere relaxing would be awesome at the moment.
A friend – anyone who knows me, knows I love to talk so having no one to talk to would be miserable. Music/a speaker as I enjoy a good sing/dance. I would also have to take sunblock as I have super fair skin lol.
As someone who has made a difference in the world. Whether that will be through law, politics or even helping out my friends and family I don’t know yet.
If you or someone you know would make a great 'OC of the Month' then please get in touch to nominate them at: kcoca@kingscollege.school.nz