Notice of KCOCA 118th Annual General Meeting
Thursday, 22 March 2018

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 118th Annual General Meeting of the King’s College Old Collegians’ Association(Inc.) will be held in the Staff Common Room, Memorial Building, King’s College on Friday 15 June beginning at 5.00pm.


Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report and the Annual Financial Statement, receiving reports from the King’s College Board of Governors and the Headmaster of the College and the election of Officers of the Association.

In accordance with the rules of the Association, the President, Vice President and all Ordinary members of the Committee retire each year.  Nomination of candidates for the various offices shall be made in writing on the appropriate nomination form, copies of which are available from the Executive Officer at the e-mail address below, and forwarded by 4.30pm on Friday 25 May 2018. Each nomination shall be signed by two financial members of the Association with the consent of nominees endorsed thereon.

Jasmine Kovach

KCOCA Executive Officer